A groundbreaking new pan-African initiative supported in part by a Yale Planetary Solutions grant...
Today, Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation and Cotton On announced their R6,4...
The importance of effectively engaging Africa’s health sector in outbreak responses has become...
Donors, international organizations, and other external actors have significantly influenced the public health...
This year marks the passage of 140 years since the Berlin Conference of...
<img decoding="async" class="wp-image-481582 alignnone" src="https://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/StrongMinds-mental-health-initiatives-300x224.jpg" alt="StrongMinds' mental health initiatives" width="640" height="479" srcset="https://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/StrongMinds-mental-health-initiatives-300x224.jpg 300w,...